Wednesday, December 31, 2008
and my new year resolution is...
make the world a better place :D
[whatcrap -.-]
actually, i dont know yet. and studies have shown, new year resolutions dont work; so no point (:
i watched bedtime stories today because my brother wanted oh-so-badly to watch it. some parts were quite hilarious, so even though the cinema was filled with families with small kids, it was okay lar :D
then i wasted my time away frivolously until 6.30 when i had some dinner thingy. the food wasnt filling so now at one in the morning feeling hungry D:
then me abi and gracee talktalktalk in the middle of the function room when we realised all the adults (specifically, our individual mothers were talking about us -.-) so we quickly zhao to my house there to talk somemore.
after waiting for grace who took her own sweet time to eat whatever food i had in the house, we went to the gym to dance :D cos there were these really huge mirrors to see our reflections, so very fun to look at ourselves dancing? lol what theory is this. hahahz but we only had half an hour cos the gym was closing and we were escorted out by the security guard ;D
then we started singing whatever song that came into our mind. and we can form a choir! ;D abi is alto, i middle and grace soprano. LOL. but grace is cute. she was like:
who's Ciara?
who is Nicole Schrienzinger (sp?)
what is ' i hate this part right here'?
then we went to look at dance videos, talktalktalk and went home after watching the countdown on tv -.- no atmosphere at all! D:

sadly, my arms are short -.- so i got cut off

Grace's photography skills even better -.-

And finally; we succeeded :DDD
i wanted to go Marina Bay/vivo/siloso beach count down one lor. parents dont leh :x tsktsk.
ohoh. and i made tea for the 1st time! ;DD hohos.
Labels: bedtime stories, happy new year, resolutions
what we could have been, 8:47 AM.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Class outing was today!
though it wasnt much of a class outing cos there were only thirteen people :p
and remind me never to trust jiaying with punctuality again.
we were supposed to meet at 11.30 but i was late (heh) and arrived at 12
and guess what she said? 'i just left my house at 12' -.- tsk.
so i stoned at macs but soon after sarah and yasmeen came to my rescue :D
we talktalk and discovered much later that the guys were happily having their lunch when we thought that they were very late -.-
Twillight was okay laa. Edward is NOT hot!! and Bella isnt that pretty either? or at least in the show lar. they are too white. me no like :D and throughout the whole show, me and yasmeen were fighting about who's hot and who's not (: heh. but jacob and that chinese guy is kyutte!
then the girls and guys split up. the guys went shopping at TM? while we went bugis (: and bugis was oh-so-crowded. esp at bugis street! but there were many pretty dresses and tops that were super cheap! so we decided to go newyear-shopping next year :D yay. and i bought this [for the sake of buying smth ;D] :
then yasmeen had to leave. so me, wendy and jiaying went to eat at hipdiner usa and jiaying darling♥treated us! though all the same, we paid for gst and service charge :D
ThankYou! (:

dont be cheated. even though it looks little, its alot D:
wendy's slapper drink.
she tried to stay out of the picture actually. lol
p.s: there are many hotguys at night! ;D
and i think Korea got many talented people!
i shall take up dancing lessons (: hohos.
Labels: class outing, dance, koreans, shopping, twillight
what we could have been, 7:03 AM.
Monday, December 29, 2008
i have no more math tuition! :DD
no more chionging back home by 6.30 to get ready for tuition! :D
gah. school's reopening already ): the holidays like fly by so fast! the moe should really give us summer + winter vacation like in the US (: and i still need to go buy manymany things before school reopens. tmr going with jiaying to buy stationery i think.
and my brother wants to go with me to class outing tmr -.- because he wants to watch bedtime stories. since he's alone at home tomorrow (unsafe in my mother's terms), she's trying to bribe me to bring him along. tsk.
oh and i cut my hair :D though it looks the same; my father couldnt tell the difference. oh whatever (:
looks the same right? haha.
then on wednesday, me and felicia are going to watch twillight! and then go to this fabulous two level Zara and off to anywhere else to do the usual routine :D
we decided to be lesbo partners;
me: we should link arms and walk hand in hand
felicia: kiss!
me: in the middle of orchard road; then take video put on youtube
felicia: must zoom in to post on blog
felicia: *gave up* just have sex there -.-
our interesting conversation :D heh.
boo. im really very lazy to go back to school :D
Labels: class outing, felicia-my lesbo partner ;D, goodbye holidays D:, goodbye tuition, haircut
what we could have been, 5:48 AM.
Friday, December 26, 2008
yesterday was christmas! so...
MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!! :D
im abit late though. hees.
was a rather uneventful day D: there was some sale at Orchard yesterday, but because i woke up at 11 (thats actually quite early!), my mummy said all the sales are gone -.- so no point going. gah. then there was the issue of my brother's birthday celebration in which i was forced to go -.- he celebrated it by amazingly spending 50bucks and two hours in the bloody arcade; so hooray for him.
Currently watching Brown Sugar Macchiato! :DD quite interesting lar, but kinda weird ;D
to jiaying: Wangzi not that hot laa :D although his hair and skin very nice. haha. but he's the best out of all of them ;D
and i heard there's going to be like part two to Macchiato called Kungfu Macchiato O:
iwanttochiongfinishwatching! :DD
Labels: brown sugar macchiato :D, christmas, sale
what we could have been, 7:06 AM.
Monday, December 22, 2008
lalala. listening to Easy by Paula DeAnda now :D
we went out to celebrate wendy's birthday; and we were supposed to meet at twelve but i had to complete my godawful math homework first so i reached at 1.30 instead (: and jiaying was late too! so she wait for me then we late together. heh. but sarah's the latest! :D
while waiting for sarah, we went to National Geographic in Vivocity. see, it helps in our geog ;D but there wasnt much, except for many pretty pictures of frogs (the guy's a good photographer!) and clothes that you'll probably use if you were out in the jungles trekking. sadly, singapore has no jungles so no point :D
then we decided to watch a movie, and the queue was suuuper long! i bet most people were queuing to watch Twillight or something, but jiaying didnt want to watch -.- she wanted to watch 'The day the Earth stood still' but we let wendy choose cos she birthday girl :D so she chose Bolt which is kinda like Beverly Hills Chihuahua (which sucked) but its abit better lar. 3.5 stars? (:
we were hungry so we walked around trying to find a nice but affordable restaurant to eat. we wanted Swensens actually, but it was the higher-end swensens, and the portions were really huge so we walkwalk around somemore until some white dog cafe. the food was okay la, and THANK YOU WENDY FOR TREATING US TO LUNCH! ((: though we paid for the gst and service charge- which really shouldnt be charged cos we had to pour the water ourselves. tsk.
then we gossipgossip and plan for chinese new year visiting :D we probably spent 1hour in there cos 3 couples that sat beside us finished their food and left and we were still there. fabulous us :D

The soup looks artistic ey (:

after eating the sweet that wendy gave us, this is what became of jiaying's tongue O:
she looks so cute here! :DD
she treated us to ice cream also lehs (: then we went in to watch Bolt and i had to chiong fer my tuition so we went home after that and mrt-ing home that time was so funny ;D haha.
Wendy actually didnt want to be in the picture, but it caught her anyway. ha (:
Our cell was postponed to sunday so we had it at sara's house instead (: and kyne came! havent seen him in a long time, and he became more sombre lor. i think his happygolucky personality suits him better :D
then sara's brother Samuel talktalktalk, then we walked to whitesands for lunch! and we ate at macs. and caleb is super hilarious in a weird-disgusting way -.-
Dont waste your time watching this actually, though if you're bored, you should :D
its freaking 11mb!!
there were at least 8 packets of unfinished fries there la
and according to the calories menu on the tray, its probably:
64g of fat
18g of saturated fat
1680mg of sodium ++
(because those packets of salt? we added it in and mixed them with the fries to make it saltier O:)
and guess what? he ate and he ate -.-
and kyne said he actually got 7th in the cross country run in the whole level of guys and he's in NCC! O: its an insult to ncc la. heh. and even though he acted as though he was going to puke on kyne (oh poor him!) and clutched on to his chest as though he was having a heart attack (he hold wrong side -.-) he continued eating the fries! gosh.
and we laughed until our stomachs all pain. yes, saddists are us :D
then Marie suggested to go take neoprints which i havent taken since sec 1 so yeah, we went to take neoprints! and the machine is screwed man. after taking our initial 8 shots, we couldnt read japanese, so we pressed some button and it retook our photos over again -.- gah
while waiting for Marie and Shannon to decorate somemore, me and sara decided to camwhore! (:

Then i went off to drop something at my friend's house, and she just renovated it and she has a pretty beanbag! :D

i look spastic though -.-
after neoprinting for like half an hour, i went off to tampines mall to shopshop for christmas present! :D and my mother best. my christmas present-clothes keep for chinesenewyear. tsk!
but i bought 2 dresses and a top anyway (: so nevermind. hahahz
i bought this :D
my father said it looked like an apron from afar -.- so i didnt buy it afterall O:
and i bought this too! (: i like the dress. it looks pretty
ohmy. its going to two in the morning
i still must go sara's house tomorrow
goodbye world (:
Labels: bolt, camwhoring♥, cell, shopping, wendy's birthday
what we could have been, 7:09 AM.
Friday, December 19, 2008
ah; i finally finished watching
the time between the dog and the wolf :D so happy! yes, its another korean drama with leejunki! he's so pretty! hohos.

I kept thinking that the show was Iljimae lor, cos its still leejunki acting and the themes are similar. some baddie killed his parents, he grows up and wants to take revenge and never gets any girl and pretends to be dead after some major ultimate fight. its so sad! in my girl, iljimae and the time between the dog and the wolf, he doesnt end up with anyone D: he so hot, should end up with someone laa.
but i prefer him with long hair, because he looks oh-so hot with long hair! :DD
short hair not that nice uh.
see the comparison for yourself:

with long hair, he's much prettier aye! ;D

and this is arynah's beloved jaejoong (sp?) whom she says is prettier than leejunki. tsk!
And shannon la! call me go church to plan for myhopesingapore, but in the end go there help with christmas cards and stuff for three hours. but its damn fun to hear and kajiao people about their scandals :DD hahahz, and i dont know if people will come or not -.- but heck la. whatever, i thought it was compulsory because grace said so. but guess what, actually can dont participate O: i dont want to participate lehs.
but for the sake of propaganda, saints and holy water;
A christmas gathering at Sara's house
23rd december
12.30pm at pasir ris mrt station
lunch is provided
and sadly, its compulsory to view some holy video, so yes.
if you're free, you're invited (:
yay. now my leader wont nag at me anymore, because i ask alot of people liao :D and i feel weird luh -.- like so strange to ask like that. gahs.
my mother asks me to read more storybooks to improve my english
so i shall read! (;
see, i listen to my mummy
awww. im such a good girl
Labels: church, jaejoong, leejunki, the time between the dog and wolf
what we could have been, 4:22 AM.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
i have a problem; i woke up at 8am today. something's wrong! and since i was bored, i decided to blog :D got so manymany things to update about! i shall update class chalet! which was yesterday yesterday (:
we were supposed to meet up at 2pm but i was late :D then we went to find the chalet and we had to pay a fucking dollar to get in -.- its daylight robbery! we already paid for the chalet, still need to pay a dollar for entry. tsktsk. BUT i had FREE entry! mwahaha. thanks to the nebo card me and jiaying have ;D but jiaying blur blur, didnt read the sign, and paid money to get in. lol then they chop the thing on us also no use -.- people put wrong hand to scan also go in. hurr.
the chalet room was super small lor, its like 1 room with 1 proper bed nia. but oh well, better than nothing (: then we had mats for neighbours, and they were singing so happily. and guess what; they were singing chinese! the meteor garden theme song that my mother adores. and its fun to sing to yourself along with them :D heh.
after slacking around for some time, we decided to go cycling! and i didnt fall down no more; yay :DD we wanted to try to cycle to bedok reservoir but there wasnt any connector there? or we couldnt find it :x and yasmeen managed to cycle with her hotpink cast on (: hooray. we cycle here cycle there then went to downtown east to buy the metal gauze to put the food and marshmallows. and yet, we still managed to return the bikes early! wahaha.
while the guys were still playing basketball non-stop even before we started cycling, we went back to start the bbq. but no one brought firestarter/lighter so our very kind neighbour neighbour gave us 2 lighters! :D then we did the charcoal thingy but we discovered we had no cock (that red color thingy for the fire), the mats realised we had problems starting it so they gave us some cock. such nice people! but we realised we had cock afterall, so we returned it to them (: cock sounds wrong eh? and they lent us the fan to fan the fire too! we were like totally unprepared for bbq?
thanks to zul's satay and chicken, we had something to eat and cook! :D and i ate a raw satay unknowingly ): and zul was laughing at me cos he said our conversation went like this:
Me: Satay can eat or not?
Zul: not cooked yet
Me: *bites the satay* -.-
i didnt hear zul lor. and the raw satay was soft, gooey and tasted weird O: when the guys finally came back, they went to watch tv -.- but they didnt eat dinner i think? cos they were too lazy to bbq. lol and arynah was so hungry, she kept eating the satays even though zul told her to stop eating and wait until all cook finish then eat together. despite the many satays she ate, the tongs can grab her leg and still got allowance =! thats how skinny she is. to thank our kind mat neighbours, we gave them 2 plates of chicken! (we couldnt finish them actually) sarah also wanted to go sing with them and take pictures with them. but we didnt in the end.
daryl cautioned us too, saying at the end of the day, all they want is sex. oh well. and when jingyong they all left to get some dinner, they told us not to touch their vodka. all they care about is their vodka (: the salesperson allowed kunjie and hongzhou to buy it! amazingly. cos they look like 18? O: dun look like leh. haha.
pictures before yasmeen, zul and arynah left (they couldnt sleepover D:)
[the lighting's horrible. boo]
i like this picture (: 4 people are missing though :x
Arynah and her belovedd sataay.
we watched nonya after that, and somehow many people like that show? even though the newspaper said its not nice O.o and we all sat on the bed transfixed to jeanette aw and her fellow actors. then we watched some movies though we didnt really complete any -.- cos we're too fickle! haha. we tried watching the dark knight first, but the guys stole me and sarah's phone so we ran around the chalet getting our phone back and by the time we got back, the show was changed to digimon
after that, we tried watching I am Legend, but we found it too boring as well. heh. we wanted to watch silent hill, but the disc somehow not working. wasted laa. we thought it would load, then jingyong screamed for the sake of screaming and the personnel came in to scold us -.- while the mats outside were singing their hearts out and the personnel probably sang along with them -.- so unfair luh.
finally, we watched 'Meet the Spartans' which was a crap show but at least we managed to finish that. then daryl wanted to watch HSM3 because his darling recommended it, but when i came out after bathing, they watched kungfu dunk instead which is probably more interesting :D
me and daryl were the only ones who bathed! ;D
and xuanhao stole my place on the bed! hummph.
oh and did i mention we have another nice neighbour? cos the guys apparently gave them some food (alot i think) so they help us cook the food then we eat ((: heh. and kohwee gave us a raw sausage! cheebye. then the raw taste lingered in my mouth laa.
we were bored, so we went out to walk walk in hope of catching a after-midnight movie but when we reached there, they switched off the screens -.-
then we wanted to go to the arcade, got people inside playing lor. but the guy tell us closed. tsk. and bowling was amazing siol. it was like 2am in the night? and people were still playing bowling and it was quite packed. but they found it too expensive, so we wanted to go cycling but all the shops were closed DD:
we walked around pasir ris park after that, and somehow time flew? and we were so scared cos we had 13 people and it wasnt an even number, and everyone was saying how someone would either disappear or join in O: then we walked to the busstop at around 6am to whitesands to get some breakfast. jingyong said he was sick of macs but during lunch time, he suggested to go eat macs -.- how contradictory! we bought some $2 noodles afterall and its quite nice leh (: then we bussed to downtown east when it was actually walkable -.-
after eating breakfast, we died. but there was barely any space to sleep la. so couldnt sleep well. and only for like 2h? but i think sarah managed to sleep very soundly. so did xuanhao and kunjie i think. i was at the foot of the bed, and daryl's irritating leg keep kicking me. tsk.
before i left for the chalet, my mummy told me not to : 1. drink liquor
2. sleep with boys
and i did both of it :D heh. i tried the vodka and it sucks la. its gassy and bitter. sparkling juice nicer (: then since there was only 1 room with 1 big bed, then everyone also squeeze together lo. haha. it was fun anyway ;D
we had to check out after some time, but we didnt clear the room at all cos everyone was too tired. whoops :x poor cleaners, heh. but they reasoned that it kinda was like a hotel, so dont need to clean up. and there were ants and cups and pillows all over =!
ohya, and our neighbours help us to clean up the bbq pit also lor. or else we probably would have just left it there (: hees.
then we walkwalk go escape theme park see signboard then decided to go WWW cos more fun, but after seeing the admission prices, wanted to go etp but stuck to www afterall. yay :D theen we playplayplay and jingyong's mean! he shouted to the angmohs: go back to america -.- gosh. but we didnt put on sunblock nehs. and in the end, i kena sunburnt :x and when you do facial expressions, it hurts. gah.
while eating lunch, we remembered that it was xuanhao's birthday and we bought him a tiny cake! :D he didnt seem happy though. hahahz, then we chionged home and once i reached home, i slept for 17 hours straight to regain lost sleep :D so shiok.
thankyou SARAH for organizing the chalet!
thankyouZUL for bringing food for us to eat!
and thankyou to everyone else that made chalet the sex :D ♥
and ohmy. what a long post!
Labels: 2E♥, chalet, sunburnt, wildwildwet, xuanhao's birthday
what we could have been, 6:28 PM.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
hello world! :D
i shall update about my wonderful melbourne trip; wahaha.
Day 1!
The departure time was like 9+ ( finally! the timing very nice) then at first we thought dinner not provided, so we went to chiong our dinner- for nothing -.- in the end, the plane served dinner at 10! my goodness. and when we were in the plane, the aircon broke down! D: then it was bloody hot for nearly an hour and everyone was using the menu to fan themselves (:
My super-gay brother trying to entice me with his food when i had exactly the same thing as him -.-
Gorgeous toilet! :D its damn big lar; and its even better than centurysquare's!
During the flight which was approximately 7hours, i watched two movies! Boys over flowers & Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging which were both rather nice. And mwahaha. Singapore only screens Angus, thongs and perfect snogging on Dec 18th nia. so i save my movie ticket moolah! hurrah. the guys in the movie are hot :D and thanks to being glued to the screen, i only had 1 hour of sleep and i was godawful tired the next day :x
Sadly, this tour was full of scenery; grass here, statues there. so i didnt really get to shopshop when Melbourne's the fashion capital of aussie! we went to Fitzroy Garden first for the sake of it and it was damn cold!
From top: Conservatory, random big tree, Cook's cottage
We then moved on to Eureka Skydeck 88 where you view the city's skyscape 88 stories down Yes, the name is self-explanatory. There were many australians/americans/whatever cant tell the difference cos they have the same features there and the guys are damn hot! :D and 1 hotguy helped my brother with the coin maker thingy somemore (: the girls also super chio! hah.

the busy highways of australia
Sadly, the tour guide skipped Federation Square, Shrine of Remembrance, St Paul's Cathedral and 2 other gardens! tsk. so the city tour was not much after all due to time constraint. see, its not good to join tour groups lor. i prefer freedom :D
Then we went to Warrook farm where the lunch there was damn sedap (: ohya, melbourne's probably as clean as singapore too.
Front door!
Back door!
I like it cos it appears to be a long winding road down :D
See the sky, the sheep, the grass, the gravel♥
More sheep!

The poor sheep was at his freaking dick la -.- and then he shear until it bled somemore. poorthing lor.
After viewing the sheep and sheep-shearing, like what you always do on farms, you proceed to feed kangeroos/sheep/cows
The cows were ravenous lar. they literally fight for that bottle of milk and the milk drips out as they jostle for it O:
this cow is smart. or at least smarter than the rest. while the others were all fighting for milk at the main gate (look above) this cow went to the corner, ducked through a hole and beckoned for milk. so smart right! and i fed it an entire bottle :D its probably like 1litre of milk. gosh.
then we went to feed the kangeroos but there were huge sheep there too! i actually wanted to feed the kangeroos only but the sheep practically chionged for my cup of food and munched it until the bloody cup broke -.- and i had no more food left D: screw you fat sheep! and then my father said thats why they're so fat, they snatch everyone's food away. tsktsk. my brother's icecream also want eat. scary lor.
Unlike the kangeroos, which were oh-so-gentle (:

oh yes, our transportation was a haystack truck (: so we sat on haystacks! reminds me of perth 06 where it was a school trip; damn fun la. we climb up the haystacks and jump down :D
Palm trees! and i thought they were restricted to hot&humid countries like singapore O.o
Our next stop was A Maze'N Things which was illusions and mazes and such, kinda like a section of the discovery centre.
I look so tall right :DDD
and australia's playgrounds are super fun! all of them sure got swing one, and they got more playing equipment also (: hohos.
the wonders of self- timer ;D
Four birds sitting on a car
One got shot down by my evil brother, and now there's 3 left ):
The other bird saw me and flew away which left this 2 birds which decided to make love and flew away to somewhere farfaraway :D
I just realised that i see my reflection in the car. haha.
We went to the Penguin Parade after that to watch penguins troop up ashore. they scam our money lor. they make it sound as though they would be damn close to us but in the end, they all go to the far right where we can only see little black things bobbing up and down cos all the seats are at the far left. so i suggest if you go there, take the special admission instead, they put you at the far right (gives a better view when you pay more money) tsk.
they didnt allow us to take photos either D:
sadly, we had to leave earlier but we saw penguins on the grass making their way to their burrows. so cool la. the penguin so small and cute (: and everyone was all ooh and aah-ing.
And this sign is so hilarious! please check under your car for penguins. LOLOLOL.
which reminds me, our plane to australia was delayed by a few minutes because kangeroos were crossing, so we cant land :D and the whole plane burst into laughter at the idea. hehs.
we checked in into some hotel (i forgot the name- they didnt have a prominent signboard?) and i was so tired that i actually grabbed the wrong luggage :x and lugged it up via staircase cos we didnt know there was a lift -.- and it was super heavy when mine was supposed to be super light. dumb right. haii. but the rooms were super big and nice! we could have breakfast in bed and we had 2 TVs somemore (: and a jacuzzi! that hotel is best man.

prettaye exterior of hotel!
my god. i've typed so long and its only the 2nd day O: oh well; back to typing.
We went to a chocolate factory! yum (: and my mother spent eighty eight bucks there O:
they look so nice right ;D
and off we went to ashcombe maze where the hedges were super tall, so you couldnt look over and i must have spent like half an hour there but i didnt find the way out ): i blasted my music so that my parents could hear me, but they said after some time, my music couldnt be heard no more. heh. and i was so close lor! gah. then they have pretty flowers there too, roses;lavender; unidentified species :D the food there is good too, its alfresco dining and my brother took the honor of dancing with his reflection -.-
My brother act cool with my sunglasses!
Boo! ;D

Pretty white rose!

Sea of lavender purple (:

cos' life isnt a bed of roses
Diffused reflection!
See, i remember my science :D
the flowers had no smell actually.

After having our fair share of play, we went to a strawberry farm to pick strawberries! my 4th time picking :D there were some damn big ones lar. but they weren't as sweet as others though. my brother picked tiny ones nia. ha :D and their chocolate strawberry is HUGE! and its like 2bucks nia. Singapore, one tiny strawberry dipped in chocolate is 1.50 -.-
we look see look see then went off to some winery which is family-owned and i tried the different kinds of wine. smell the wine, already feel like puking -.- but i tried some anyway. awfully bitter! D: wine's not for me afterall; dont get why people like bitter tongues.

Then our bus rode into the ferry. so cool right. but i was sleeping very soundly, so i didnt witness it ): and while everyone was inside/front deck, i was behind cos got no wind but still got sea to see :D and i missed dolphins! rawr! and my brother sadist was gleefully describing how the dolphins jumped in and out of the sea, doing somersaults and all. ass! hummph.
We went to the national wool muesuem after that where we saw different types of wool and yarn (: the wool very nice to touch! but other than that, i didnt learn anything much lar. heh. muesuems are not my type of thing :D
Dinner was a buffet at Smorgy's at Cummingham Pier (i think) and the restaurant was filled with hotguys! :DDD there was a guy that looked like Oliver from Hannah Montana but hotter (: heh, we makan finish then go outside walk walk and take pictures- what else? the playground there damn big also lor. jealous! and my mother said there were some world-renowed totem poles there that was showcased on the newspapers and pestered us to visit every one of them. tsk.
Our hotel this time wasnt as nice as yesterday's one D: it was much smaller. boo.
yawns. im tired
to be continued!
Labels: melbourne, my singing brother, scenery
what we could have been, 5:55 AM.