Sunday, November 30, 2008
hello world! :D
im now using the airport's computer and leaving for melbourne today! (:
and wont be back till next friday.
i see my tour group the people, all adults one lor or my brother's age like that :x sadsad.
must board plane liao
and to deniese: i wont die la :D
Labels: melbourne
what we could have been, 4:25 AM.
Friday, November 28, 2008
gah. something is screwed with this computer; or blogger -.- i cant view my posts except for the sidebar. tsk. Iljimae's okay la. i finally finished watching the 8 discs ((: the story became more interesting at the 5th disc or so.

Leejunki so hot :D he's third from left (:
and i havent started packing for Melbourne yet =! im too lazy luh. heh.
Labels: iljimae, leejunki, melbourne, screwed computer
what we could have been, 9:12 AM.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
ohmy. its one-thirty in the morning and yet im wide awake and fresh -.-
and.. my brother is shaking his ass in front of me right now -.- pffft.
i just came back from bbq with my mother's super smart ex-batch of pupils? thats probably why she allowed me to stay out till so late. heh. i didnt know them actually then i went to talk with the teachers and play with the toddlers and take care of them (felicia said that im very lovely! :D) then cross over the same bridge like 4389570 times. LOL.
then after that, i became more social ((: and played like kukus at the playground. but the playground damn small lor. haii. and my brother was being ostracized by all of them (oh poor him-not ;D ) and it has been ages since i went to the playground there.
and there were 2 guys that were quite cute leh ((: sadly, one of the cute guy left early D: but i became friends with the other one :D hohos. andand at around 11, 1 super hotguy came!! [he's from hwa chong siol!] and lo and behold, he lives in my condo too; same ex-primary school and i actually saw him before when i was in the games room mugging with grace and in whitesands :D this shows how small the world is ey. lol and kaiyi (sp?) was very happy when he came. Even my mother say he hot seh. ahha. andand truth or dare was damn funny also! i made new friends.
yay (:

the adults more hyper than us siol.

sadly, many people left liao. and the hotguy wasnt here yet D:
before bbq, i went out with felicia and arynah to Orchard again to kaikai! we actually went to Heeren first, but after dillydallying in a particular accesory shop and the toilet for a longlong time; we left already because we were starving! but at least we all bought something (: i bought my pink butterfly ring! which felicia said made my fingers look WHOLESOME ;D but my fingers are fat laa. alot of rings after putting in, damn hard to take out lor. and i bought pretty flower earrings! and ha! i managed to open it by myself ((: nahnahnah. and me and arynah finally bought our much wanted chain earrings! hurrahs.
on the way to taka (we wanted to go cathay but were too lazy) we saw this really huge christmas trees, and we took photos with it -.- arynah was commenting on how touristy we were. and we saw BLUEYS! O:
Retards unite! :D
and i felt kuku cos arynah and felicia bought macs to eat at macs. but i went to kfc to buy food instead. and yet it didnt dawn upon me to order take aways instead. so i happily brought my tray with that white guy's face and all plastered on the food and all the personnel were staring at me D: after putting back my tray at kfc ( see! im so considerate! ;D) we went off to do the usual routine.
we went to fleshimp first and the salespeople there were nice. they gave us some coupons for free (: but we didnt really camwhore much cos it was very obvious if we did :x


Gah. felicia's hand blocked my face -.-

Look!! Im taller than arynah! :D mwahaha. and we're standing in ascending order ey.

and felicia looks so model here laa. with the kimono; hair and everything ;D

LOL with arynah's pose.

And off we went to try on more clothes from Zara, much to the dismay of the salespeople who was giving us the 'fuckyou' look :x and there was a long queue after that somemore lor.
Arynah's face looks constipated! ;D probably cos felicia was hugging her boobs. lolololol.

and now you see the extent of arynah's skinniness! makes me and felicia's legs look 'fatter' -.-

I like the leopard print scarf :D it spruces up the formal outfit! hohos.
felicia [eyes] looks as though she put on makeup here too (:

Arynah camwhoring with me having a hard time wearing the oxford lace-ups cos i was too lazy to untie the shoelaces ;D

We actually wanted to camwhore somemore but the saleswoman knocked on our door to check on us and asked how many clothes we had. she must have heard our squeals; laughter and voices lor :x so after that we panicked and changed out of the clothes in record-breaking time O:

Felicia was being camwhoring with her skirt. so me and arynah continued camwhoring :D

We all look weird in this picture ;D

my hair was damn messy after that, so arynah and felicia tied for me pigtails? (i forgot what its called) and arynah ties pigtails nicer than felicia does but thanks anyway (:

and this is how it looks like (: look at my ear!! :DD its the matching chain earrings that i bought with arynah!
but i retied back into the normal ponytail after that cos it felt weird and super actcute? and there was this old guy pointing towards me and telling his wife i look like a schoolgirl and very young -.- and there was another salesguy giving me the whatthefuck look so yeah.
After finishing my beloved hotshot♥ i moved on to Iljimae (korean drama series) with LEEJUNKI!♥♥ in it :D he damn hot and pretty please. but the front part is kinda boring though D: but i shall continue watching for the sake of watching and leejunki (:
and im in the midst of a download english-chinese-korean-japanese-spainish music frenzy :D
off to watch Iljimae; toodles [so sharpay O:]
Labels: bbq, camwhoring♥, heeren, music, takashimaya
what we could have been, 9:23 AM.
Monday, November 24, 2008
sian. i have to go to school tmr again to pack the tent -.- gah. wastetimewastetime!!
but after that we're going heeren to try on clothes and go kaikai :D
i want to buy the pretty rings! and the chain earrings and another pair of pretty earrings ((:
i feel a tinge of guilt though. Singapore's in freaking recession, but here i am, spending on unneccesary-useless? things like there's no tomorrow O: haii. shame on me :D but oh well. by spending, you support the economy thus reducing the impact of recession! ha.
lol okay, that was crap (:
but arynah's better luh. the last time i went out with her for 3 consecutive days, and she bought something everyday -.- if my memory didnt fail me, she bought fake nails+nail glue+glue remover. andand the shopkeeper thought that we were buying these for prom and we felt oh-so flattered (do we really look like sec4s? :D), then she bought eyeliner and we went to the different shops like kukus trying on the different makeup products. i bet the salespeople there must have been mighty pissed as well :x and after that, she bought hair extensions. BUT; she cut it to her hair length. so from longlong, become short and now it looks like brown highlights but at least there's color! (:
camwhore photos with eyeliner! [:

Arynah put on much more eyeliner than me and her eyes look muchmuch bigger! ;D
when she put on for me that time (cos i dunno how to put on eyeliner =! ) it was so ticklish luh
so the lesser the better (: hohos
and hurrah! im going to Melbourne next week! But according to the itinerary, its sightseeing all the way. Whyieee DD: I WANT TO GO SHOPPING!♥ and i'll buy all the billabong/roxy clothes and all (: hohos.
ohohs. felicia just told me that there'll be ncc camp tomorrow :D hahahz.
off to slumber!
Labels: arynah♥, camwhores, guides, melbourne, recession
what we could have been, 7:39 AM.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
We had class outing yesterday; very few girls turned up though D: and nearly all of the boys turned up lor -.- the actual meeting time was at 12 but everyone turned up like 1 hour later? lol after idling around in the arcade for a longlong time, they decided to watch
BeverlyHills Chihuahua -.-
which sucks! the story is so no point please. its about a dog that goes to mexico and opens her eyes to the real world. it was kinda boring or as bad as coffin :x
then after that we went cycling at 6 to pasir ris park (: heh. and as usual, i was the slowest amongst all of them. the guys cycle so damn bloody fast then because of me, they have to cycle slower =! sorry!
and Cell today was funny. they asked us to talk about our ambitions, and after what everyone said, cordelia summed it up since daryl wanted to be a lawyer/marine biologist/nuclear scientist ( ilike this best :D) so cordelia said after legally declaring war on the world by using nuclear bombs, he goes to the sea to hide ((: wahaha.
andand i finally found a good website to watch hotshot!
♥ it has all the episodes and i dont have to wait for the renting shop to have the discs liao :D hurrays. lovelovelove!Labels: class outing, hotshot♥
what we could have been, 6:46 AM.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
hello world! havent posted for a long time :D
i went out with Sara sweetheart♥ today to town! we met up at whitesands to makan first and there was a shop opposite showing hotshot, so we stood there like kukus watching it ((: and we were the only girls there?
lol and i saw junhui! ha in your face _______! andand i saw germaine at the busstop too :D but hotshot is nice! sadly, some other person rented it, so i cant watch the last few episodes yet :x gah.
on the mrt, there was this hotguy and so happened i looked up then we look at each other and then the girlfriend stare at me O: then after that, when there were 2 seats beside sara, he wanted to sit next to sara but then the girlfriend dont let him and sara overheard the guy saying why cannot? LOL; weird.
at rafflescity, there were not much nice shops la. or either that, we were too lazy to try on clothes (: but in the end we still did. heh. and we have a hat fetish! see the different hats we try on :D

They had tiaras also! Its not really hats laa, but you still put them on your head, so yeah :D

Attempt 1! the light was shining too brightly, so cant see the tiara -.-

Attempt 2 ends up the same as attempt 1 -.-

And finally! attempt 3 succeeded! ;D i bet people thought we were kuku. going different places to take photos in the shop. heh
River Island (shit i forgot the name, but this should be it?)
Sara's dress looks so prom! and we look so contrasting lor. she's wearing some pretty long flowing dress while im so casual -.- hahahz
oh lookie! I dyed my hair AUBURN!
mwahaha (:
Rafflescity was kinda boring afterall? cos we didnt really like the shops then we decided to go citilink where we probably took more pictures though citilink is supposedly to have lesser shops?
Sara looks so cute uh! ;D

and i love this dress luh! :D the material very silky like that.
and we went to try on more dresses! :D
im too lazy to rotate (:
i think this picture looks very unique lor :D
and cos of my tuition at seven, we had to leave early D: and we gossiped all the way back to pasir ris. hohos. and before that, i had guides camp for 3 days D: and it was like any other camp.
andand im now listening to all the hotshot songs cos i adore hotshot now♥ and wuzun is damn hot luh!! (swoons :D)
class outing tomorrow! :D
Labels: camwhoring♥, hotshot♥, sara♥, shopping, tuition
what we could have been, 6:15 AM.